Massage for Mental Health

Are you one of those busy people who barely has time to breathe, let alone lay on a massage table for an hour? Make the time for a massage and reap the mental benefits!   While many people already use massage for physical concerns and challenges, more and more...

The Trouble with Social Media & Our Spine

Dr. Kathie (Chiropractor) How many hours a day do you spend on your mobile phone? Or looking down at your iPad screen? Or stuck in the infinite scroll of social media? Did you know that one average we spend 2 to 4 hours a day with our heads tilted forward reading and...

Sleeping Well in Our Switched On World

Are you one of those people who can fall asleep easily, waking recharged and refreshed ready to face a new day? Or is this a dream for you? Are you one of those people who struggle to fall and stay asleep?   Up to 35% of adults have brief symptoms of insomnia,...

The Art of Sneezing Safely

AHHHH-CHOOO! Are you sniffling and sneezing with the cooler winter weather already? And now your back hurts as well? Sneezing is a sign of irritation in the lining of the nose or throat. And while it can be annoying, it is rarely a sign of anything serious. Sneezing...