Chronic Pain Relief

Written by rebeccah

This National Pain Week we’re focusing on raising awareness around chronic pain.

1 in 5 Australians experience chronic pain.

Dark green background with white text reading: "Chronic Pain Australia. National Pain Week 2022: Monday 25 - Sunday 31 July. Ensure all Australians receive Triple AAA standards of care. Awareness, Access and Affordability. "

What is Pain?

Pain is experienced differently by every person but often goes away once we begin to heal. However, sometime we can experience chronic pain which lasts longer than 3 months. This pain can often be debilitating and severely impact our daily activities. It is often caused by an injury or illness but can also occur without us knowing why. Without trying to manage this pain, it can lead to disturbances in our sleep, changes in our mood and poor mental health.

How can chronic pain be managed?

This pain can be managed with an array of different health resources including allied health. If you’re experiencing chronic pain, make a visit to our chiropractor, massage therapists or naturopath for treatment plans and health advice. By keeping your body at its optimum health, you allow your body to heal itself.

Chronic pain can also be influenced by our personal experiences. For example, it can worsen when we’re feeling stressed or going through a rough emotion time, and likewise, we can feel better when doing things we love and spending time with people we love. Therefore, it is important to manage your stress loads and take time to take care of yourself beyond standard pain management.

Light blue background with three images lines up horizontally. 
The first shows one person massaging another person's back. 
The second is an animated spine. 
The third is a blue supplement container with a yellow lid and a blue and yellow tablet next to it.


Chiropractic adjustments can be helpful in reducing an array of common types of pain including lower back pain, headaches, neck pain and joint pain.

Massage Therapy

Remedial massage therapy uses a combination of evidence-based massage techniques that target your specific areas of pain to repair damaged tissues and restore your body’s regular health and wellbeing while relieving chronic pain symptoms.


Diet and nutrition are an important part of managing pain. Naturopaths work to develop diet recommendations alongside supplements and natural remedies to help reduce pain and improve our overall health.

Make an appointment with our health team here or call us on 9651 5559.

Find more of our health tips here.


Chronic Pain Australia.

Bennington-Castro, J. 2022. Everyday Health.

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