Pain Relief Methods To Try

Did you know that the brain does not feel pain itself, however,  it detects and processes pain from all areas of our body? What is pain? Pain is a sign that something isn’t right in our bodies, whether it be from a recent injury or an emerging condition. It can be...

The Role of Sugar

It is National Diabetes Week! Sugar is a common part of our diet, commonly found in fruit and vegetables, honey, milk and wheat, naturally, and additional sugar is often added to juice, baked goods, ice cream, soft drinks and lollies. The World Health Organisation...

Benefits of Reducing Alcohol Intake

On average, alcohol reaches your brain within a few minutes. No amount of alcohol is considered safe, however, you should try to limit your alcohol intake to a maximum of 10 standard drinks per week and a maximum of 4 standard drinks in one day.  One standard...