Do you watch TV? Drive to work? Commute via bus or train? Work at a computer? We all do it- Sit – and unfortunately it’s becoming a big health problem, according to experts. We may not think sitting is as detrimental to our health as smoking, drinking, but we must realise the harmful effects being sedentary can have on our bodies.
How long do you think you sit for in one day? According to research, the majority of people spend between 10-15 hours a day sitting! From dawn to dusk, many of our everyday activities involve our bottoms planted on a seat.
So what’s so bad about sitting?
A recent analysis suggests that there are 34 chronic diseases and conditions that can be associated with sitting excessively. Those who sit for prolonged periods of time can be at risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and even cancer.
What can you do?
Turn the TV off – Australian researchers in the Journal of American Heart Association, found in a study of 8,800 adults, that each hour spent watching TV daily is associated with an 18% increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease.
Keep Moving – Don’t get caught up in the sitting phenomenon- some simple tips:
– Set an alarm, for 10 minutes of every hour, get up and have a walk around
– Stretch your legs
– Walk to your co-workers instead of emailing them
– Choose the stairs
– Invest in a standing desk
– Walk to lunch
– Stretch
-Take regular breaks when travelling
– Go for a 30 min walk between TV shows
Consider Chiropractic Care– Prolonged sitting can often have a detrimental effect on posture causing back and neck pain- we encourage you to visit us for care.
Chiropractic can help to improve posture and reduce neck and back pain & incorporate more movement into your daily routine.