Are you experiencing nerve pain?

Our bodies send information along our nerves to communicate to our brains what is going on in our bodies and allows the brain to tell the body what to do in response. Did you know how fast this information can travel? Up to 120 meters per second (that’s over...

Kidney Health

This week is Kidney Health Week. Our kidneys are essential in filtering our blood to remove wastes and to produce urine. Without removing these, our blood would become toxic and be extremely dangerous to our health. When our kidneys are working well, they help to...

Chiropractic Benefits

Chiropractic care is becoming more and more common, but do you know what we can help with? How can chiropractic care help you? Relieving pain in your joints such as your back, knee or neck.As a result, you become less reliant on pain relief.Treating misalignments in...