Here are some of our favourite tips to help you feel better as the new season is upon us!
Pick a few that you can try and make them a habit beyond spring!
1. Carrying a water bottle with you – Buy a good water bottle – fill it up at the start of the day & carry it with you. It’s a lot easier to stay hydrated when you have your water bottle right next to you.
2. Try an exercise you haven’t done since you were a child – Skipping, trampoline, backyard football – something to remind you that exercise can be fun- get the family involved too!
3. Challenge your brain – Read a new book, try a crossword, Sudoku or get an old puzzle out!
4. Wear a pedometer to challenge yourself to hit 10,000 steps a day! It’s a good way to remind you to get up and move and to hit your daily step count!
5. Try a new healthy recipe – Experiment with some fresh produce to give your taste buds a nice surprise – it might even become the new favorite meal!
6. Sign yourself up for a charity run or walk – Not only are you giving yourself something to work towards but your giving back to something worth while!
7. SPRING clean you house- We know its cliché – but it doesn’t just help cleanse the house of hidden sources of dust and allergens but we think it also cleanses the mind of unwanted things your hanging onto.
8. Plan your snacks & lunches for the week – Take some time at the beginning of your week to plan some meals – although it might seem like a drag at the time – you’ll thank yourself when you have something healthy & delicious for lunch!
9. Take some YOU time – Life is busy, we get it- but take some time – even 5 minutes before bed, when you wake up, during your lunch to just close your eyes and empty your mind.
10. Prioritise yourself – You can’t look after everyone else unless you look after yourself first. Take time to take care of you – whether it’s a monthly massage or going to your weekly yoga class!