The Why and How of Eating Healthy

So often any mainstream news that you hear about health is that chronic disease is on the rise, that the waiting times for surgeries are increasing, that the cost of medications or health insurance is going up and up and up. Nothing tells you that you have the power...

Learning to Love Yourself

[Dr Kathie – Chiropractor]   The last time you went on a holiday that involved a plane trip, the airline staff went through a safety procedures talk. Now I know a lot of people don’t pay attention to that particular talk (especially if you have heard it a...

Ways You can Sleep Better

Want to improve your health, creativity, confidence, clarity and decision making skills? Without spending a fortune?   Sleep is the answer!   Many people now struggle with getting to sleep, staying asleep and having a good quality sleep. There are many...

Spring Getting You Down?

20% of Australians suffer for hay fever- are you one of them?   Hay fever is normally an allergic response to pollens, dust, mould, mites or animal hair. Symptoms often include sneezing, runny noses, watery eyes, itchiness, congestion and fatigue. Aside from...