Back to School – Back Pack Tips

Back to School – Back Pack Tips

As children return to school this January, it is important that parents of school aged children look at the quality and fit of their child’s backpack, as heavy, incorrectly fitted and badly packed school backpacks can lead to spinal health problems as your child...
Chiropractic – The Tip of the Iceberg

Chiropractic – The Tip of the Iceberg

How does chiropractic relate to icebergs? Remember the iceberg that sunk the ‘unsinkable’ Titanic? Well it turns out that icebergs can be an excellent analogy to explain your health, there’s what you can see and what you can’t see that could be affecting you. What you...
Which Sleep Position are you?

Which Sleep Position are you?

  July 3-9 is Sleep Awareness week and we thought we’d jump on board and discuss some of the effects on the way you sleep can have on your health and some tips to help you get the best nights rest! You turn the lights off, jump into bed, alone or maybe not? Do...
Is Your Back Sore from taking on Too Much?

Is Your Back Sore from taking on Too Much?

We can all relate to carrying as many bags as possible to save us making another trip. However, is the time you’re saving worth it? Lifting more than you are able to carry can cause immense strain on your body. Furthermore, with bad lifting technique, it can be even...
Is Binge Watching giving you a Back Ache?

Is Binge Watching giving you a Back Ache?

There is no denying that we live an increasingly sedentary lifestyle, spending hours each day sitting at desks or curled up on couches watching TV. The average Australian spends 2 hours and 25 minutes a day watching television.1 That’s a long time in one position and...