Which Sleep Position are you?

Which Sleep Position are you?

  July 3-9 is Sleep Awareness week and we thought we’d jump on board and discuss some of the effects on the way you sleep can have on your health and some tips to help you get the best nights rest! You turn the lights off, jump into bed, alone or maybe not? Do...

Is it time to Replace your Pillow?

Could your pillow be affecting how well you are sleeping? How to know when (and why) it might be time to replace your pillow….. How to know if it is time for a new pillow? Think about when you woke up this morning – how did you feel? Did you wake up with a...

Ways You can Sleep Better

Want to improve your health, creativity, confidence, clarity and decision making skills? Without spending a fortune?   Sleep is the answer!   Many people now struggle with getting to sleep, staying asleep and having a good quality sleep. There are many...

Sleeping Well in Our Switched On World

Are you one of those people who can fall asleep easily, waking recharged and refreshed ready to face a new day? Or is this a dream for you? Are you one of those people who struggle to fall and stay asleep?   Up to 35% of adults have brief symptoms of insomnia,...