Mindful May

Chris Brown- Health Coach Did you know that May is Mindfulness Awareness Month? To fill you in on the how’s and why’s of mindfulness, we are handing over to our amazing Health Coach, Chris Brown…..   The importance of being mindful The benefits...

Get to Know Anna- Our knowledgable Naturopath!

If you haven’t already- Meet ANNA Anna is our very Knowledgeable Naturopath! Here are 10 things to get to know Anna. What inspired you to get into this industry? I have always been in awe of the human body and have had a tremendous respect for nature and how we have...

You Are What You Eat

Do you always feel tired? Fatigued? Have mental fogginess? (Gabie Falconer- Chiropractor) It may be what you’re eating or what you’re not eating! When your energy is low, we tend to reach for that cup of coffee or a handful of sugary sweets to provide us with a quick...

Stress Down Day :)

Dr. Gabie Falconer (Chiropractor) DID YOU KNOW…. July 24th is Stress Down Day – Here are a few tips on how you can take some time to stress less! Are you getting enough Relaxation? Within our busy lives, sometimes it is hard to find that time to relax and take a...

A Healthier You this New Year

The New Year is a time of fresh starts, new resolutions and goals and a time to reflect on the past year and what was achieved. If you are struggling to find that perfect resolution for 2017. We have some ideas for you and tips on how you can keep them! Get in shape-...