Is Binge Watching giving you a Back Ache?

Is Binge Watching giving you a Back Ache?

There is no denying that we live an increasingly sedentary lifestyle, spending hours each day sitting at desks or curled up on couches watching TV. The average Australian spends 2 hours and 25 minutes a day watching television.1 That’s a long time in one position and...

Ever wondered why you get sore after exercise?

Muscle soreness is a common symptom that will often show up a day or two after exercising which can affect anyone, no matter your fitness level. Why do your muscles get sore after you exercise? This muscle stiffness and achiness is normal and will often go away after...

The Trouble with Social Media & Our Spine

Dr. Kathie (Chiropractor) How many hours a day do you spend on your mobile phone? Or looking down at your iPad screen? Or stuck in the infinite scroll of social media? Did you know that one average we spend 2 to 4 hours a day with our heads tilted forward reading and...